Q2: Why do Shias wear black clothes during Muharrum?
As already discussed, Shias commemorate the sacrifice, murder and
martydom of Imam Hussain in Muharrum. In the tragedy of Karbala, he along with
his close family and companions were brutally killed by the corrupt Muslim
leader at the time, Yazid ibn Muawiya. Starting from the first of Muharrum to
the 'Arbaeen' (40days after the sacrifice), Shias attend majlis (gatherings) to
commemorate the events that took place.
We are mourning the cruel loss of the grandson of the Holy Prophet
in outrageous circumstances. Is it not obvious why we would be wearing black
clothes or crying with emotion? When you attend a funeral no-one would be
wearing bright, loud clothes and laughing. The mood would be sombre, sad and
everyone would be in black clothes. The same applies to Shias who are mourning
the death of Imam Hussain (as).
Q3: Why do Shias cry so much during Muharrum?
Again, a rather simple answer - Shias are in mourning, crying is
the natural response. People try to claim that somehow crying is wrong and
un-Islamic but it has been encouraged by the Holy Prophet and is mentioned
clearly in the Holy Quran.
"And when they listen to the revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognise the truth: they pray: "Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses." (Quran, Surah 5, Verse 83)
Surah Yusuf (no. 12) goes on to describe what happened to Prophet
Yacub when he discovered that Prophet Yusuf had gone missing.
"And he turned away from them, and said: "How great is my grief for Joseph!" And his eyes became white with sorrow, and he fell into silent melancholy." (Quran, Surah 12, Verse 29)
Prophet Yacub cried so much his eyes went "white with
sorrow." During the time of the Holy Prophet after the Battle of Uhud and the martydom of his uncle Hamzah, Tabari narrates in his book: "The Messenger of God passed by a settlement of the Ansar of the Banu Abdal al-Ashhal and Zafat and heard sounds of lamentation and women weeping. The Messenger of God’s eyes filled with tears and he wept, but then he said “Yet Hamzah has no women weeping for him”. When Saad bin Muadh and Usayd b. Hudayr came back to the settlement of the Banu Abdal al-Ashhal, they told the women to gird themselves up and go and weep for the Messenger of God’s uncle." (The History of the Prophets and Kings, Vol 7, pg 137) The Holy Prophet encouraged his followers to cry and mourn the loss of his uncle and yet we are not meant to cry when remembering the death of Imam Hussain (as).
This idea that it is somehow wrong to cry, to get emotional over such a loss is absurd. Hanafi scholar Sheikh Sulayman ibn Ibrahim Qandoozi sums it up best: "The grief of Imam Husayn (as) is the grief on which not only Humans, but even jinnat, Angels, animals, birds, the sky and trees, all lament. Thus it is written that the sky wept for forty days on (the martyrdom of) Imam Husayn (as)"
Q4: Why do Shias hit themselves (perform maatum) in
This is arguably the most controversial act performed by
Shias during majlis, in Muharrum. The act of hitting oneself in sorrow is not
wrong per se, but the extremes that some Shias take it to, the act of actual
self-flagellation to the point of actual harm, brings a lot of attention and
When people refer to Shias hitting themselves, they often refer to Zanjeer maatum, the act of
hitting oneself with chains and knives. It sounds gruesome and often can be.
The majority of Shias will engage in the act of hitting their chest out of grief
and tradition, but Zanjeer takes it forward to the next step. Like all things,
there are extremes and I would say that Zanjeer is the extreme in this case and
not something performed by the majority of Shias.
The actual act of hitting ourselves in grief can be a natural
response, an outpouring of emotion when someone is upset. It was something
instituted by the Holy Prophet and also performed by the likes of Aisha and
Umar. It has also been mentioned in the Quran, when the wife of Prophet Abraham
was told she would be blessed with a newborn despite her old age:
"So he conceived in his mind a fear on account of them. They said: Fear not. And they gave him the good news of a boy possessing knowledge. Then his wife came up in great grief, and she struck her face and said: An old barren woman!" (Quran, Surah 51, Verses 28-29)
Sunni books have also narrated at the time of the Holy Prophet's
death, Aisha overcome with emotion and grief hit herself along with the rest of
the Prophet's wives. "I got up beating my chest and slapping my face,
along with other women." (Sirah Ibn Hisham, Volume 4 page 655). Umar, did
something similar: "When Umar received news of the death of Numan ibn
Muqran, he placed his hand on his head and wailed: 'O my grief for Numan!"
(Aqd al Fareed, Volume 1 page 342).
There is nothing wrong with expressing grief by crying and by
hitting oneself, rather it is a natural response. Some take it to the extreme
but focus on the actual act and you will see that it is something that has been
carried out throughout history and will continue to do so.
That concludes this particular post with the answers to 3 common
questions about Shias in Muharrum. As I keep stating, we are commemorating the
horrendous killing of the grandson of the Holy Prophet. There is not other
incident in the history of mankind that even compares to the great sacrifice of
Imam Hussain (as) Inshallah I will return later with a few more answers in
relation to Muharrum.
Very interesting. I look forward to the rest of these posts :)
ReplyDeleteI have a question tho about hitting yourself.. If people take it to such extremes as to beat/cut themselves until they bleed, is that still haraam and rejected by Shi'a scholars? Or is it just considered an extreme people go to?
hmm...interesting...So can I also beat my self out of greif for the death of the prophet (saw)? and of course the other prophets because I love them too. and the death of Abu bakr, Umar, Uthmaan and Ali (ra). Also many other sahabah and scholars in history.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting and taking the time to comment.
ReplyDeleteAmal, I was fortunate enough to meet Ayatullah Sistani in 2002 in Iraq and we asked him about Zanjeer maatum. He gave a generic response saying it is not permissible to harm oneself to the point of drawing blood. He did not specifically condemn Zanjeer maatum.
It is a very sensitive topic and I think no scholar wants to take the leap and ban it outright due to various cultural and traditional practices. I personally feel it shouldn't be encouraged as it only causes harm to ourselves, both physically and practically. There are many websites showing horrific pictures of Zanjeer maatum, using it as an excuse (an a valid one at times) to attach Shias and Shia belief and I don't feel we deserve that.
Anon, of course you can beat yourself out of grief, as I explain, it is a natural human response.
I have heard places where there are chances that zanjeer-zani will deteriote the image of islam, shia or our culture..it should be avoided.